Ko Mahuhukiterangi te Waka
Ko Kaipara te Moana
Ko Te Waiora te Awa
Ko Muarangi te Maunga
Ko Te Uri O Hau te Hapū
Ko Ngāti Whatua te Iwi
Ko Wakaretu te Marae
Ko Kelly Rangi tōku ingoa
Kelly Rangi
Ngāti Whatua
I am a widowed solo mother of 5 children, and grandmother of 2 beautiful grandchildren. I have struggled with mana health since the age of 12. To add to the Tūmunako collection, I wrote and performed a solo song and contributed to the song from Mana Beatz. I also contributed feedback on the documentary and participated in Waiata Māori. My passion is music and I hope to become a successful solo artist.